Take the job of a spaceship mechanic, repairing and cleaning up ships, while enduring the increasing demands of the company quotas.
tap Z - use held tool
hold Z - open inventory
X - interact with objects
arrow keys - move
Code and art by me (Werxzy)
Music and sound effects by Munchkin
Thanks to Hercleum and Achie for some last minute testing (definitely helped make the game better)
Solitary Spacewright was made for the lowrezjam2024. You can also check out the itch.io page I made for the game and download the unflattened source and map editor at https://werxzy.itch.io/solitary-spacewright
Note, if you want to play offline, you will also need to download #solitary_spacewright_2

Solitary Spacewright ended up getting second place in the LowRezJam!
I'll likely make a postjam update today or tomorrow. There's a few things I would like to fix/add.

Great work with this game! I like fixing things and this game is good for me. Well, for early levels that is.
As the ship gets bigger it gets tedious as it's hard to memorize where's the door with matching key.
There are some technical issues such as I kept doing tool switching wrong so I had to firmly press direction key before choosing. Then if I picked up new tool, I am immediately equipped with that tool which is not what I like if I need to kill "problems" after that.
Speaking of "problems", with limited space I ended up using wrench to solve "them" and have extra space for cards.
Ah, about cards, if I died while carrying key cards, those cards will be gone for good so after reviving myself, it'd be best to just end the job than losing time finding replacement cards.

I made an update to the game that includes the following
- Added the ability to save runs after undocking from a ship
- Changed the difficulty slope after the first run to be smoother
- Changed inventory opening to be faster
- Fixed a problem with a map component (make the ship look wrong)

Love the game one thing that i have a problems i have are
- health i feel like your ship health pack should be infinite but you have to do a ship first
- Hull repair everytime i try to get it fixed i have to push the up button then the down really fast and so it’s not east to do
- (Idea for the game) upgrades, shotgun, suit colors, and the best thing of them all a cat on the ship for funnys
But over all 9/10 game =D
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