Still a playtest version, leave some feedback below!
⬅️⬆️➡️ Move diagonally step left-right or up. Dungeon moves down on each step.
🅾️: C or Y/Z Swap weapons
Gather equipment, shield and gold, survive for as long as you can. No ending yet other than dying due to ever stronger enemies. Each non-shop tile is resolved automatically. Pickup up a weapon with one in hand will overwrite it.
Help menu contains a tutorial that will guide you through the basics.
Enemies have 3 things attached to them:

Damage: How much raw damage the enemy can inflict.
Skill: If the enemy has a skill
Weakness: Hitting enemies with an effective weapon will deal double damage.
Combat is resolved by the following:
1, Enemy damage is reduced by weapon damage
2, Health/shield reduced by enemy damage
3, You lose armor.
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Will auto buy if player has enough gold.
Thanks to my awesome supporters over at Ko-fi! They allow me to pursue this niche hobby of mine! If you'd like more, consider hopping over to my Ko-fi page, where I share pixel art, game devlogs, postmortems, code rundowns, all that gamedev jazz! And if you can maybe drop in a coffee so I can make the next one faster!
Thank you Csöndi, Nerdy Teachers and Fletch for allowing me to keep up this hobby!

Added: Weapon Broken text.
Added: Stepcounter ingame, over X tooltip.
Added: Rare Champions to each area. They have no weakness and will hit hard.
Changed: Legendary items have their damage slightly reduced
Changed: Legendary items have their durability greatly reduced
Changed: Legendary armors has it's value reduced
Dev notes: Finding a legendary item should be an epic moment during your run, moments where you feel powerfull. Sadly their first iteration basically made the player invincible as it was easy to find your way from legendary item to legendary item and due to damage it was just turn your brain off forward mode. I don't want to fully remove that, just reintroduce the mortality to the player.
Changed: Normal weapons are slightly better.
Dev notes: After finding a legendary item normal weapons feel worthless. After a few areas enemies greatly overpower them. This is still the case, but is delayed. (stat modifier from 0.4 of difficulty to 0.5)
Changed: Campfire slightly nerfed in heal value. (missing 75% to missing 65%).
Fixed: Campfire always should heal for at least 1.
Fixed: Slight changes to tutorial wording.
Fixed: Combat log is drawn under tutorial text.
Fixed: Record Steps printed correctly now.

Fun core loop. Obvs needs balancing. Would prefer a fixed-length run with a boss / ending.

Excellent work. Fun game with some interesting choices along the way. Very engaging.

@edrex fix length runs are in plan for a later release, so look forward for that.
Abooit balancing, can you explain the areas you feel like could use it, so I can look into those?

@nephilim glad to read that it is fun as that is the end goal! Playtesters helped a ton to iron out things

Agree with @edrex that an end goal of some sort would be fun. I do feel like I'm just going indefinitely.
What if at the end of each run, there is one fewer realm to go to, and once you've visited all of them, the last one you are in has a boss monster at the end specific to that realm? Defeat the boss and win the game.
Or, maybe the goal is to buy the castle, which costs 2000 gold, and whichever realm you buy the castle in gives you a different end game placard showing your castle in that realm. Etc.

@nephilim I heavily considered the idea of having to beat all areas then arriving st the lich, my obly concern with that is then the game is way shorter than what I'd like. Atm the plan is to spawn the Lich at a certain stepcount, and defetaing it would be the goal. Sadly it didn't fit into the monthly timeline, but I hope I can get back to this project rhis month and add that ending to the game.
But first I'll have to create a game for this month, as I'm on a mission to release a game a month this year. After that I can freely come back to this

Ah, no worries. It's super solid as it is. Well done. Looking forward to seeing your other games!
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