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Cart #bupinehoha-4 | 2024-07-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a submarine game I'm working on where you use sonar to detect your enemy and try to hit them with a torpedo. Sonar waves work and echo, torpedos, bubble particle effects, and collision detection are all present so far. I'm still thinking through all the mechanics but I think there's good potential.

Update 7.16: Turning animation for changing x direction. Collisions with explosion animation for torpedos. Enemy is now invisible. Full acceleration and decceleration physics but this could be cleaner with a friction multiplier.

Update 7.18: You can now battle the enemy sub and they have some very simple AI to sonar and try to find you and hit you. Also some simple scrolling background waves.


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Ahhh thank you!

Thanks for sharing! That's a nice game idea. It's already pretty scary when a sonar reveals the enemy close by, or you notice how fast it's moving, or - that one caught me by surprise - that the enemy can also use sonar to detect you! I guess a characteristic sonar sound would increase the immersion even more. I managed to hit the enemy in the end, but I felt that submarine movement was quite fast, while torpedos move quite slow.

@pdog thanks for the feedback! I’m still very much dipping my toes as far as the sound/music capabilities of pico. Also likewise thank you for mentioning the movement and torpedo speeds. I also want to refactor the acceleration/deceleration code to use a friction multiplier like what’s used in this tutorial:


That code is far simpler than the mess of weird checks I have going on right now.

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