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In "Breakout Hero" I got a reduce item at the same time when I lost a life. The game gave the message, "REDUCE!" but I didn't actually reduce.
Will probably work with all items in Breakout Hero.
Will now play space picanoid.

@pixelperfect Might want to write Krystman, as this is just a launcher of other people's arcade carts.

Thanks for playing it!


This is a kick-4$$ idea @thattomhall, I love the execution.

Thank you for this and for selecting my cart for inclusion in the list. Truly humbled to be in the company of such great talent in the community.

No problem! Just picked the good ones at the time and it was one!


Yeah, gotta get that one in there!


Heracleums's Head-8n would be a good fit for your arcade. https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=53288


Good suggestion, thanks!

this is so fun and smart! could you add guncho please https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=114060#p


@thattomhall Maybe Slipways would be a good one to add? (if you still read these lol)
here's the link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=50626#p

And a pinball game would fit nicely in a arcade! https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=116356#p

if you want another one here's https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=147538#p

you did a really good job with the menu tho

u did really good

I feel like such a noob, but: it's there a way to add one of the individual carts to my favorites?


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