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Hey, I just updated my AppleThing to Monterey 12.7.5 and now I cannot run Pico-8 anymore though I have updated Pico-8 just recently and it had no problems or whatsoever until now. Does anybody face similar problems? I have not yet dug deeper in what could be causing failure but I appreciate any kind of help or information.

Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to any response.

Cheers! (:

What happens when you try to run it? Just nothing at all? Or does your mac throw up a warning or something?

If you try running it from the mac terminal do you get any output?


Thank you so much for the immediate response! I tried several things now and I somehow do not even dare to tell what "fixed" the issue :D

After trying to run it in from the console or utilizing older versions etc. I set my laptop aside.

In the end turning it off and on again somehow fixed it. The icon still does not show, I only get the empty apple executable icon but who cares as long as it works, right?

I'm so sorry for panicking too soon! Thanks anyway for help and suggestions!

Take care! Cheers! (:

Something that regularly happens on Mac is that downloaded files are not executable. The "no icon" symptom happens then. But if you can now run it, it was not likely not the problem.
Just in case though, here is how to turn a file executable, in command line:

chmod +x path/path/filename

Alright! Thanks a lot! Cheers! (:

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