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Cart #bgconway-1 | 2024-04-29 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I wanted to try making a program that would display Conway's Game of Life as a background. Unfortunately it causes a few mouse trails, but I don't think they're too noticeable. If they're too bothersome, try changing the "S" scaling variable to 6 or higher. Higher numbers give better speed (and thus less mouse trails), but also lower the resolution and the average time until equilibrium. I almost certainly could have implemented this better so feel free to do what you want with it!


You seem to have uploaded an empty cart, because there's nothing inside it apart from the label image!

@Soupster you sure it's blank? like I can tell there's an issue that's making it unable to run in the web player, but it SHOULD run fine if saved to an actual Picotron system??


If you run load #bgconway, the only file in /ram/cart is label.png.

@luchak @Soupster oh jeez, let me take care of this

EDIT: okay I think I fixed it but it's still not playing in the web player

@IMLXH I can't test right now, but the version (bgconway-0) doesn't seem to have been updated, it's still on version 0.

@Soupster hahaha wow good catch. it's working in the web player now!

@IMLXH Nice, it's working now! I can't see how you're doing it, but you might be interested in my implementation: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=141892

@Soupster oof, now I can't see that in the web player. i have NO clue how you're using the color tables but i love how you were able to make a full-res version that DOESN'T run like garbage


It displays in the web player, but input doesn't work. The earlier version of it should work just fine:

EDIT: It's displaying the wrong cartridge!!
EDIT: Now it's not? What's going on here?!
EDIT: It's wrong most of the time, but sometimes correct... @zep I summon thee!
Cart #cgol-0 | 2024-04-22 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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