A very simple boids simulation. Mainly just for tinkering with Picotron! The mouse cursor is also treated as a boid. I find that it runs pretty well up to 32 boids.
Nice wallpaper, fun to leave it as just 1 or 2 ducks flying on your desktop.
I tweaked it to use the theme colours, and it makes a wonderful wallpaper! Thanks a lot!
I edited your cart to get some fun waves added and reduced the number of boids (as well as removed the mouse boid) to allow it to run smoothly on the desktop! Thanks so much for this sim; I absolutely love it! You can see my code in the attached cartridge if you're curious.
EDIT: forgot to mention I also added some padding to the bounds of the screen/toroidal array so that the ducks don't blink out of existence, but rather fully leave the screen before being wrapped.
Could I suggest keeping the mouse boid, but only for the separation component?
I feel it's nice to have a source of chaos, otherwise the ducks tend to make just one big flock and never stray.
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