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Cart #sspr_tester-0 | 2019-05-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This cartridge is intended for PICO-8 newcomers to learn how SSPR() works.


Up and down arrows: Selects the parameter to change.
Left and right arrows: Modifies number-parameter values (the two sets of X, Y, W, and H values).
Z/C/N (or the right face-button on mobile touchscreens): Changes number-parameter values by 8 instead of 1. This also modifies the flip settings.


Src. X: The X-coordinate of the spritesheet to draw from, relative to the left. Pixels outside of the 0..127 range will be treated as black.
Src. Y: The Y-coordinate of the spritesheet to draw from, relative to the top. Pixels outside of the 0..127 range will be treated as black.
Src. W: The width of the sprite's image, in pixels. Negative values are treated as 0, of which results in no sprite drawn. The image is stretched to the 'Draw W' width.
Src. H: The height of the sprite's image, in pixels. Negative values are treated as 0, of which results in no sprite drawn. The image is stretched to the 'Draw H' height.
Draw X: The X-coordinate of the screen to draw to, relative to the left. Pixels outside of the 0..127 range are invisible, so that the sprite can be pushed into the left or right edge of the screen.
Draw Y: The Y-coordinate of the screen to draw to, relative to the top. Pixels outside of the 0..127 range are invisible, so that the sprite can be pushed into the top or bottom edge of the screen.
Draw W: The width of the sprite itself, in pixels. Negative values allow a horizontally-flipped image, with the 'Draw X' coordinate representing the right side of the sprite instead of the left.
Draw H: The height of the sprite itself, in pixels. Negative values allow a vertically-flipped image, with the 'Draw Y' coordinate representing the bottom of the sprite instead of the top.
H-Flip: If TRUE, the sprite's image is flipped horizontally. Combining this with a negative 'Draw W' value results in a cancel-out, drawing the image without flipping it.
V-Flip: If TRUE, the sprite's image is flipped vertically. Combining this with a negative 'Draw H' value results in a cancel-out, drawing the image without flipping it.

The spritesheet used here is the one from Zep's Jelpi Test!



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