Age of Ants

send your worker ants to gather resources…
amass an army to defend your queen…
build your ant empire and conquer the lawn!
Age of Ants is a demake of Age of Empires II (with an ant/bug retheme, why not), featuring:
- 1 map with 4 possible starting locations
- Up to 2 allied AI opponents with 3 difficulty modes
- 9 units, 8 buildings, 12 tech upgrades (most are repeatable)
- Up to 99 active units per player
- AoE2 controls & behaviors (let me know if something seems off, it's been a while)
- Savefiles¹ (save in the pause menu to generate a screenshot, drag and drop to load)
- Original soundtrack
- wololoooo
Defeat the enemy queen to win!
It's playable on:
- desktop with mouse (best experience, download here)
- mobile/tablet (on bbs the page might scroll around - for a better experience try playing on itch)
- handheld console
When the game first launches, open the pause menu and select the appropriate controls mode.
¹there are some caveats with savefiles, see the note on itch
I tried to stay as faithful to AoE2 controls as possible, but if you've never played or you need a refresher, check out the gifs below. If you prefer, there are also video versions embedded on itch (that way you can pause etc).
desktop tutorial (gif)
mobile tutorial (gif)
handheld tutorial (gif)
advanced controls
tech tree

thank you to:
- @morgan3d's p8pathfinder (modified for caching and approximating unreachable paths)
- @musurca's fast dist()
- @Gruber's "explosion 18" sound effect
- @carlc27843's pxaviz for compression hints
- @thisismypassword's shrinko8 for code compression (mostly whitespace removal)
- @Wolfe3D for the idea of a screenshot-based savefile
- siege engineers' for some baseline unit stats
- the p8 community!
here's the uncompressed and highly commented sourcecode if anyone is curious. lots of token hacks and pretty tersely named variables, so hopefully the comments help demystify what's happening (i was originally attempting trying not to use shrinko but i caved once i added in helper text)
itch link for downloads and stuff:
have fun! if you'd like, share savefiles of your games (they will still work even on the win/lose screen)

Brilliant! I love it, so far I played it on Easy and enjoyed a lot 👌

great game, amazing work! good job, keep it up! i converted the enemy queen to ours and end screen did not appear. i think it is a glitch.

thanks @Heracleum, glad you enjoyed it!
@mcman thanks for the nice feedback and bug report! i just updated the cart to fix that, along with a few other minor things

It would be very helpful if the appropriate resource was highlighted when you're mouse hovering over its icon or value in the bottom statistics bar. It's quite hard for me to tell which exactly little greenish thing I should start gathering when I'm out of one of them.
Otherwise, it's an awesome RTS. Super impressive for Pico-8. Thanks for making the game!

Also, usually AI gets their colony set up and expanded pretty quickly, but once in a while it just won't build any structures while only gathering resources with basic ants, so it can be easily defeated at times. I assume it's a glitch of some sort. Happens on easy difficulty as far as I can tell.

@lastofavari thanks for the feedback! about the greenish things to gather - i'm guessing these decorative tufts of grass are what's confusing?

i think it's a fair point and will see if i can use a different color (although that'll be tricky!)
also thanks for the bug report about the AI - i'll look into that!

finally had some time to release v1.3! release notes are at the end of the original post, but fixes include the AI bug pointed out by @lastofavari and the confusion around the grass tiles (which are now gatherable).
this release also introduces a new building type, spider webs. these are lightweight walls that can be built by spiders. they can help keep waves of enemy units out while letting your own spiders through, to deal with any caterpillars or mantises that might arrive

Congrats on a new version! Nice to have the AI fixed.
What I've meant talking about resource value colours is that since the resource icon in the bottom-left corner doesn't really match the colour of the resource tile on the map (for example bright green thing is not bright green) it's was a bit hard to tell what this 5 pixel tall icon is supposed to represent. But it's probably just me being stupid :)

ahh i get it now - no that's good feedback, thanks!
i took your suggestion and tried using the darker green as the main color for the "leaf" version of the green resource and i think it looks better now, more contrast. v1.4 released with it, along with some other bug fixes :)

Came here to say, wow. Also, the music is incredible. Double wow.

This is amazing! great work :). I love seeing such a well developed rts on Pico8!

@lewsidboi @olivander65 thanks, much appreciated!
i just published v1.6 with yet another round of bug fixes, which i discovered while trying to beat 2 hards... here's the video of a successful victory in case anyone's interested :)

okay, probably last update for a while. just released v1.7 with some more bug fixes, and managed to free up another ~75 tokens (thanks _env!) for future scoresub support and possibly AI improvements
also spent some time pretty thoroughly commenting the original sourcecode, mostly for my own future sake. you can check it out here if you're curious
lastly, i also put together a quick tech tree! (added to the original post)

this game is really cool but I feel like it could have a few different types of ant other than an acid-spitting and warrior ants

@burnout hi, thanks! those are the two army units produced in the barracks, but by building other buildings you can produce a number of other army units too: spiders (cavalry), beetles (rams), mantises (monks), and caterpillars (trebuchet/catapult). check out the tech tree in the OP!

Very awesome made! it felt playing just like the original and I didn't had trouble understanding it. It's very impressive to manage so much management in such a tiny enviroment. Bravo!

This is really impressive, and was super fun to play! A great idea and excellent execution. Thank you for making this!

This is a really impressive game!
I've only been able to defeat an easy AI, I feel the jump in difficulty from easy to normal is rather steep, I always get rushed right at the beginning when I'm just starting to get into military stuff 😅
But it's really addicting! I'mm'a have to look up strategies or something!

thanks everyone, it means so much that you all are enjoying it :)
@olivander65 i love your cheat sheet! maybe i'll add another one later, i'm thinking of making a matrix for what's good against what
@Mitale yeah, i think it is a fairly significant jump. keep at it, you will fend off the waves! happy to share some strategies if you're interested. also, if you or anyone is curious about how the ai difficulties compare, here's the breakdown:

@Mitale There are a couple of playthroughs on YouTube which might give you some ideas on how to improve your play. It definitely helped me.
My two cents on preparing for the AI hordes:

I am really enjoying this (read: can't stop playing it). When I'm focusing properly I can deal with medium AI. I've yet to test my mettle against hard though. I feel like I need to really optimise my build orders for that.
Oh god, you've got me thinking about build orders again. I thought I had freed myself from SC2. What hast thou wrought?!

It's stupefying to me how good this is. Doing a demake of simant is huge achievement, but you went ahead and did a simant plus starcraft and I am in awe.
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