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Cart #picopicotron-2 | 2022-04-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Picopicotron is a toy desktop environment with a bunch of silly programs included. I wrote it in anticipation of Zep's actual Picotron but I doubt there are any similarities. :D


  • Play tiny games!
  • Live coding with a very limited version of LUA and pico8 commands!
  • Copy & Paste code!
  • Change the graphics of most things in real time!
  • Take notes and have eyes follow your cursor!
  • Mouse required!
  • Start up sound by Gruber Music!

Hope you'll like it and have fun!


Tried to load notes after rebooting and saving notes, crashed, @johanp.

Ooops! Fixed and re-uploaded. Thanks for finding that one.

Saves don't carry over between runs. Not even between windows I think. :D

Very well done Johan. Only tried on mobile so far but can't wait to rock it on desktop for the full experience!


This is so good :D I love the live programming & sprite editing.

> but I doubt there are any similarities


{ sound of frantically scribbling notes }

Just... amazing! 🤩👌

This is beyond mind-blowing. Great work at beating zep to market 😂

This is so cool :D I hope zep sees and acknowledges this :) Feels pretty great to use too!

Hahaha this is really cool. I just won the card game :)

Wow. I tried making something sort of like this a while ago, but this is way better! :)
(Could you give some examples for the live code editor? I can't figure out how to do if statements. I tried digging into the code of the project, which helped a little, but its too advanced for me.)

Seems to be running better, @johanp. Really good ! Gold star work.

Suggest you have a configuration option to change background pattern of OS, perhaps change shape and image of mouse pointer. All the comforts of a good new OS. :)

Also is the information saved so if rebooting later it can be retrieved ? Prefs, cards, paint, code, notes ?

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

@Munchkin - At the core, the live coding does a couple of things.

  • detect the command and arguments by finding the ()'s and splitting
  • then just run the corresponding command (if there is a match) and pass the arguments using unpack(split(arg_str))

Thanks for the response! Its still a little over my head, but I think I sort of understand it now.

@Munchkin - I made a standalone example: https://pastebin.com/jkhCTcn8

So it is taking the variables you give and executing them by splitting strings into code, which is then fed into a function. Thanks for the example!

Very cool @johanp! Love it!


awesome , so , i was bored and , i made this

That's so cool - love it!

Updated with some new features!

  • startup sound by Gruber Music!
  • ability to copy/paste text in and out of editors

WOW! This was such a surreal experience haha. I especially loved watching the sprites change in real time! Really great work. Thanks for sharing.


I will be replacing my os with this masterpiece.

but all jokes aside, great game/os

i love how you can edit sprites like the mouse in the paint program and it will actually change the thing you painted, thats so cool!


It's pretty cool but I think you should have done this in tab 7 and got rid of the SFX you put in the p8 document:

if not jingle then

Can you make a more beginner-friendly version?
I was trying to code a pico 8 operating system, but i got confused in the code.
Maybe the new version could look something like this:

1 word: rage


Is there a list of LUA functions that work somewhere for the code editor? This si so cool

It has been a while since I made this so I think the easiest is to check the code :)

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