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by Beeb
Cart #nitosusuka-1 | 2021-12-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Climb up the famous Mount Fuji in my first Celeste Classic mod!

This mod features new levels, visuals, sprites, improved HUD, some secrets to find, and original music/sfx by augie745! I hope you enjoy!

Arrow Keys - Move
Z,C - Jump
X,V - Dash

Also included is a built in practice mod! Yes, you can use this to spoil levels, but where's the fun in that? :)

Practice Controls:
S/F - back/forward level
A - toggle dash (gemskip)
E - toggle HUD

Shoutouts to all my playtesters, including jellorain, I wouldn't have gotten into Celeste if it weren't for him, augie745 for being an absolute beast and getting everything done on time, as well as Meep_Moop, gonengazit, taco360, and warspyking for helping me code various features, or even just straight up doing it for me at times. None of this would have been possible without you guys.


Should mention this is a reupload from earlier today, got hasty and deleted the old post while trying to update the label image. Sorry about that guys.


fun mod! (edit: new score 4:01)

My whole review from the last post is gone I don't even remember my record anymore TwT...

Sorry cal! Can work your time down now maybe? ;3

On another note though a longer mod is something for the future maybe!

is not the best run but atleast is good enough, i going to see if i do better

My Any% run

My 100% run

Like I said before, this mod is aesthetically very nice, and I really like the color scheme and the option for a harder but faster path in some of the levels. It seems a little short, but it's still fun to play.

I just wish I could find the fake walls and cave, I can't seem to find them...

shoutouts to beeb

Have done gemskip in every level except chest

That's pretty neat

@NOOBSKINSPAMMER I managed to do gemskip on the chest level. On the right is some ice blocks and from the highest one you can just barely gain enough height to reach the bottom part of the wall and wall jump up. You have to stand on the right of the ice block and dash left and then immediately jump to get right under the area and then dash up. If you lose any height at all you're gonna miss it, so I found it pretty hard.
Good luck to all you gemskippers


I feel so accomplished

I have nothing more to say other than I'm really proud of myself

That's everything cal gg! Thanks for playing!! <3

Awesome sauce!!! Got to one of the rare summits!

Oh no... please help

Very fun little mod! It's also a nice break from trying to speed through the Classic Pico-8 Celeste (despite being the same mechanics lol).
Very nice work! :)

My second attempt at any percent, gonna try gemskip now :D


That error is from a pico8 update that caused the game to break for some reason, sorry about that! I just posted an update that fixes it!

Easy way to gemskip (I never managed to do it in any other game and I first tried this one): go to the ice blocks on the right, on the lowest part, and dash up right. Jump at the peak of the dash to the left and dash, you should have enough height.

Couldn’t manage to get to 3776 meters but got all others. Favorite remake of Celeste by the way !

My any% speedrun of fuji

6:17.03 gem skip less goooooo
59 deaths tho, kinda bad

I got a secret...

Cool mod! Can I find "club" without practic mod?

I love the key strafes shower and timer for practice mod, I'd love to see that without resetting the level.


How do you get the wombo combo?

@loadandcode you need to do gemskip (skip the 2-dash gem and complete the game), then go into the ditch where the flag is located and dash up-left so you clip the ground. jump at the right time when you do a short hop while regaining your dash, then dash up to the wall and slide up to the highest point, then walljump while holding right. if you did it right and jumped at the right time in your boost (the small hop you do when you clip the ground at the bottom), you should be able to make it to the top platform.

boost = good

i'm assuming this is one death away from

penguin club

@BrightBlackHole you can get to the wombo combo by just jumping up and walljumping on the ice, and the penguin club is something completely different

absolutely stunning, the recolor of blocks and retexture of backround items works so well

Aww, there's no secret ending for beating it deathless :(
Well I still did it though so that's cool.



Really fun and well made! Love the colours and the design and some of the secrets!

3:48.36 with 21 deaths, all 9 rice balls collected, pretty good for my first try. :)

Cute game, very nice adaptation

So yes u can do gemskip

All onigiri in less than 5 minutes >:D


sub 1:30 100% :3

@blakery Im coming for u

Fuji tips

Those are the tips for how you do just like in Japanese game

Tip 1:


Those are Spikes, If the player touches the Spikes, you start over, but however you will never start over at 100m


This is a wall, if you got close to the wall amd jumped from it, you walljump

Tip 2:

Rice ball

This is a regular one, it can be grabbed

This is a hidden one, It can be found either smashing the ground or finding a key

This is a flying one, and can be impossible to have one, for example: if you have dashed on accident, it will fly away

How this works:
If you touched an rice ball, it will be added on a score

Tip 3:


This is a Crystal, if you dash on it, it will dissappear until 3 seconds was up

If you want to see the video, Click the link here!

Fuji のヒント


ヒント 1:


これはスパイクです。プレイヤーがスパイクに触れると最初からやり直しますが、100m で最初からやり直すことはありません



ヒント 2:






ヒント 3:


これはクリスタルです。ダッシュすると、3 秒経過するまで消えます


pretty easy

Tried gemskip 100% again to get a better time, and I almost got it down by a whole minute

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