This is my crack at a checkers game with a juicy UI.
Can you beat the GrandMaster CPU?
Higher levels are still a little slow, especially in the endgame.
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One small suggestion. Restrict cursor movement to only valid moves; there's no point in a free-roaming cursor.
So, on selection only move the cursor between checkers that can actually move. Once a checker is selected, only move the cursor between the open position(s).
Otherwise, I enjoyed playing a quick match and being completely beaten by the grandmaster level.

@ChristopherD Thanks for playing and thanks for the suggestion. Grandmaster is pretty tough; I rarely even beat Hard!
Originally the cursor was completely free roaming (i.e. you could move it to red squares too), but I thought it made sense to restrict it to the black squares. I was actually considering changing it back, as it's just a bit more intuitive to press up and have the cursor move directly up, rather than 1 of 2 diagonal directions. But now that my 1 piece of feedback says to restrict the cursor even more, I guess I won't be changing it back!
The biggest issue I foresee with your suggestion is coming up with an algorithm that always moves the cursor to the most intuitive piece, while ensuring that every (movable) piece is accessible. I have a few more finishing touches to put on, but after that I have other projects I want to get to, so I think for now I'll just let the (somewhat awkward) "Show Moves" option in the pause menu suffice. Maybe someday I'll come back to this and try to implement such an algorithm. I bet it'll be a fun coding challenge!

Grandmaster demolished me; I think my wording was confusing on that point. lol
Good luck on whatever you do next.
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