This is my crack at a checkers game with a juicy UI.
Can you beat the GrandMaster CPU?
Higher levels are still a little slow, especially in the endgame.
Potential Updates
actually implement the settings menu...😅
Use a transposition table to speed up the AI. I actually already tried this, but immediately ran into memory issues. If I were to re-implement it, I would need a good algorithm for deciding which table entries to purge when the memory starts getting full.
Restrict the cursor to only pieces that can move (when no piece is selected), and only moves that the selected piece can make (when one is). This was recommended by @ChristopherD who played the game while it was WIP. You can view my response to that below.
MoAr PaRtIcLeS...I had planned on having a starfield or some shapes moving around in the background, as well as a bit of dust coming up around the pieces when they land after making a move. I implemented the former, but took it out because I thought it added too much visual noise. If you think it would cool to see in the game, please let me know. I have plenty of tokens left for more of this kind of juice. 👍
Change Log
Jumps are now mandatory, as per the official checkers rules
Added sound
Updated AI (includes 3 more levels)
Animations are somewhat smoother
Hotfixed a sound glitch that made the game nigh unplayable
Improved AI speeds slightly
Show available actions at the bottom of the screen
Show jumped pieces on the sides
Show opponent level while playing
Added Pause menu
More sound fixes
Recognizes draw by threefold repetition
Improved AI endgame strategy
Added Take Back last move option in Pause menu
AI now runs on a coroutine (i.e. game shouldn't freeze)