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Cart #unblock-0 | 2021-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

a not-quite-finished UI-layout helper based on the idea of working inside "blocks" which can contain smaller blocks - by default the full screen is a block, and then you can spawn smaller blocks inside of that, and inside of those, etc. you can print word-wrapped text into the current block, or if you do any custom drawing of your own, it'll occur in the current block's local space.

i abandoned this pico8 version, because even though i like how the layout API feels to use, when i tried to use it for a "real thing" it was feeling too heavy (token-count and performance-cost) to be practical - but outside of pico8, these penalties wouldn't be relevant, so i may take another stab at it (probably in a different context) eventually.

(posting because @pancelor asked to see the code while working on their own UI helper!)


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