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Cart #escapmd-3 | 2024-11-07 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Remake and deluxe Picotron arcade edition of this game that was originaly made for Commodore vic and 64 in early years.
Instruction: wtch the attract mode. Controls, direction pad or arrow keys (keyboard) to move.




Aha I remember this one on the c64 and how impossible it appeared in some turns as a kid :)
Well yes getting stuck on some passages was part of the challenge.. but I have to say in this remake the combination of factors like: increased speed (x2 or so), no easing on doors/passages (not even the possibility to use diagonals to slide in), plus the map/walls elevation so it's not really obvious where it will collide the wall... you know it's quite frustrating.
My suggestion is: if not an easing, at least let the diagonals slide in to find the passages entrance instead of getting stuck on corners.
Still I loved the choice of remake 👌⭐

@Heracleum thanks for the advice!
v1.2 update now I fixed the diagonal slide with direction, added wallcolision condition on direction's press. Improved some graphics, added game demo on the attract.

Nice the update totally fixed it 👌
Also I see it's the Vic20 font (or was it already in the previous version?)

@Heracleum yes it's the vic font, already made a demo of it with the double width to mimic well the autentic vic-20 :)

how do i move

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