Hey everyone,
I've been working on a image format for Picotron called QPB (Quad Palette Bitmap). It allows you to use up to 256 colors in your images by dividing them into four different palettes, which is great for creating detailed and colorful game scenes.
The project's on GitHub. Feel free to fork it, play around, or contribute!
Intro of my game to showcase what is possible:
How is this even possible??!
So cool, can you have a 256 colors background in Picotron.
Also are those ai generated?
Picotron can utilize a unique 64-color palette for each row on the screen, with support for up to four different palettes.
Yes, it's created with DALLE-3 and then post-processed to resemble pixel art.
I keep getting a Failed to load PNG file
error whenever I try to use this. Any idea why?
The image I'm using:
It's hard to say since the error comes from Picotron's internals. But when I resized the image to make it smaller, it started working.
@retran if the test images are ai-generated, you'll probably still want to test some non-generated images to make sure the conversion still looks good
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