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I use NixOS on my PCs and was able to start Pico-8 using the script https://nixos.wiki/wiki/PICO-8. Unfortunately I have no success with the script when starting Picotron. The console gives me the error "could not create renderer" and there is nothing helpful in the log.

[000000 000] Starting Picotron 0.1.0d
[000000 000] build: 240327-042435
[000011 000] creating process [root]
[000013 001] mount: [/] [/home/user/.lexaloffle/Picotron/drive]
[000048 001] Reading controller mappings: /home/user/.lexaloffle/Picotron/sdl_controllers.txt
[000048 001] searching for joysticks
[000048 001] found 0 joysticks
[000048 001] ok

Can someone tell me which packages Picotron needs to run on Linux?

Greetings TinBlock50

P#144572 2024-03-26 20:18