Hi Everyone!
Just a quick little note to make sure your level is linked to the BBS as I see many blank posts with no link at the top.
MAKE SURE! that when you have uploaded your level and you are posting it you LEAVE the code eg. [#1934] at the top of your page. OTHERWISE your level will not appear on the BBS and people will not be able to access it.
I hope I have helped as I encountered this as well.

man, I just cannot figure it out. I tried other browser, tried to reupload file under other filename, it still looks just like I would post a regular image file. I see the difference on other uploads. Anybody knows what I am doing wrong?

I figured it out, if you have similar difficulties, go to bbs index > voxatron levels > submit a level > submit
Do not attempt to submit a level like a regular message with an attachment and do not erase the number that automatically appears
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