This is always very useful,maybe put it in a neat function? I did something similar in the past,but I'm always excited to see other approaches.
@taxicomics sorry for talking so long to respond
here the function that i used in diss cart
function ray_cast(x,y,x2,y2) local start_x,start_y=x/8,y/8 local check_x,check_y=flr(x/8),flr(y/8) local dir_x,dir_y=( (x2/8)-(x/8) ),(y2/8)-(y/8) local hyp=sqrt((dir_x*dir_x)+(dir_y*dir_y)) dir_x/=hyp dir_y/=hyp local step_x,step_y=abs(1/dir_x),abs(1/dir_y) local ray_dir_x,ray_dir_y=0,0 local len_x,len_y=0,0 if dir_x<0 then ray_dir_x=-1 len_x=(start_x-check_x)*step_x else ray_dir_x=1 len_x=((check_x+1)-start_x)*step_x end if dir_y<0 then ray_dir_y=-1 len_y=(start_y-check_y)*step_y else ray_dir_y=1 len_y=((check_y+1)-start_y)*step_y end tile=false local fdis=100.0 godis=0 while not tile and godis<fdis do if len_x<len_y then check_x+=ray_dir_x godis=len_x len_x+=step_x else check_y+=ray_dir_y godis=len_y len_y+=step_y end if mget(check_x,check_y)==1 then tile=true end if (check_x==flr(x2/8) and check_y==flr(y2/8) ) then break end end return dir_x,dir_y end |
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