Added autosave, you can load it using the “load game” option in the pause menu in the title screen. Alternatively, you can turn off the autosave option, and hitting the “load game” option will load the last time you clicked “save game”
Settings now always save persistently, even when you load a different file through the menu
Completed persistent save data using cartdata
Your timer and death count now resets if you die on the first level with speedrun mode on, to make restarting easier
The timer now resumes when you enter the secret route
Added vanilla game wind sfx to the title screen
0.7.1 Changelog:
Made your timer and death count only reset if you don't have the strawberry
0.7.2 Changelog:
Made the strawberry spawn properly when loading the level
0.7.3 Changelog:
Fixed strawberries for real this time (thanks to @NylSpider on the CC Discord for finding the strawberry bugs!)
0.8.0 Changelog:
Fixed secret_04 being cheeseable
Fixed secret levels freezing the game
Added 5 more secret levels
0.8.1 Changelog:
Fixed a map decoration bug
0.8.2 Changelog:
Fixed leaderboard crashing game when submitting run (found by @koala56)
Fixed timer resetting after one hour (found by @koala56)
Fixed runs not being saved to leaderboard properly
0.8.3 Changelog:
Fixed a random typo that caused a crash
0.8.4 Changelog:
Made The Femur Breaker a secret level
Fixed infobox sprites being off center
Changed the death counter sprite to a skull to make it less confusing
0.8.5 Changelog:
Fixed crash when loading in PICO-8 v0.2.6x
1.0 Plans
Make leaderboard save locally between cartridge resets
Title screen music
Title screen interaction sfx
Many more levels (some planned, some already finished)