A clone of Haxeflixel's Flappybalt.
The source code of this game can also be found here
Just press Z, X, C or V
After a long time, I finally decided to release this game by adding the following features that I had proposed:
- Independent move of new saws at enter.
- To make saws unstable and shoot out when a set of saws is full.
I tried adding sound effects but nothing convinced me, so I decided to put just a sound effect when losing. I'm not very good at making sound effects. If anyone is up for making some that fit or composing some piece of music, it is welcome.

@tinysorcerer and @Steven()#6, sorry for the veeeery late response and thank you very much for your comments. I have just move it out from WIP as I finally implemented the features. My highest score is like 110. I've reset it so I don't remember it well, but it is something like that ;)
Thank you very much, once again
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