HEXTRADE v1.0 manual
What is this?
A little trader game you should be able to enjoy a session of over lunchbreak.
Take care you don't run out of food or water, as each tile you travel (except cities) will take their toll.
When you start, choose a map (0 through 9999), each of which has 1 of 4 possible goals:
Playing with the mouse is recommended, but care was taken that the entire game can be played with just the pico-8 buttons as well. (Just not when the mouse is on.)
Note that the mouse is off on the title/menu on boot, and will only be enabled after start is chosen (when the mouse is on).
The lay of the land.
Buying & selling.
Some assorted details.
Found a bug: disabling the in-game mouse, moving the cursor to the top-left (see pic) and pressing either down or right causes a runtime error on line 271 "attempt to reference a nil value".
@Verb Thanks for the report! It turns out that I forgot to update the keyboard code (and even part of the mouse code) after moving the options to the pico-8 menu (instead of a bespoke one that I had created earlier).
I've now updated the cart, and that bug at least should be gone.
Thank you for the quick fix.
For my first map I bought gems cheaply from the first city and resold for big $$$ in the neighboring one. I think by the end I stockpiled enough food and water to do at least one victory lap around the map :)
@Verb Thanks for playing!
Some maps will indeed be a lot easier than others. There could even be a few impossible ones :-)
Fun games. Gold star.
Minor fix: the text description for the "Gem Fantasy" mission says the goal is 3 gems. The goal to win was 4, as stated in the game description, and there were 4 gems available for purchase. (Although the city with 2 of those gems was on the very last hex I explored.)
Here are my scores after winning one of each game type.
It was fun realising how different missions affected play differently. It took a while to find a seed with the "All Aboat" mission...
Here are how many turns each mission type took me
Ironically, at the end of the gem mission I had well over 1k gold, and the boat mission could have been done in 4 moves if I hadn't traded between 2 cities to build up supplies before venturing into the water and discovering that the island was only 1 more block away.
Trading games like this are some of my favorites. I really like how there are different objectives for different seeds, it encourages replay.
Thanks so much for the reviews -- I love that everyone is including screenshots as well :-)
I'm glad the seeds/missions seem to work (largely) as intended, in the sense that they vary up the gameplay, and are mostly 15~55 turns or so.
I think I'll hold off on fixing the no. of gems needed typo for a bit, until I have some other issues collected, so I can fix them all in one go. (And maybe have figured out what to do with the 'all aboat' mission -- perhaps just always place the player further away from the island.)
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