a Head On demake for Pico-8
I started this speed-remake yesterday and worked like 7-8 hours in total. I'll have a couple off-dev relaxing weeks (posted the WIP so I can playtest) and finish it back home.
Arcade history: Head On (1979 by Sega/Gremlin) is the first game introducing the "collect dots in maze" idea. You can tell where Pac-Man took the inspiration from.
Still work in progress but playable (infinite lives, no score).
You can push ❌+⬆️⬇️ to change the difficulty level (after a crash the new level setting will be used).
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ Change lanes
⭕️ Accelerator
Two cars continuously drive forward through rectangular channels in a simple maze. At the four cardinal directions are gaps where a car can change lanes. The player goal is to collect all dots in the maze while avoiding collisions with the computer-controlled car that is travelling in the opposite direction.
At higher levels of difficulty you'll face more opponent cars (max 3).
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