Some Rain
Watch rain drops fall and splash at the bottom of the screen to the susurrating sound of rain falling.
No controls or interaction—just some rain.
The sound can be toggled in the pause menu as can the wind effect.
What started as a quick experiment with particles turned into a little simulation which is more little than simulation.
This cart was originally called "Just Rain" but I appear to have subconsciously copied that from the existing, and rather wonderful, Just Rain by ROBYSOFT. So now it is called "Some Rain".

This is a classic example of why we need deeper and higher-pitched white-noise tones. Sounds more like ocean surf and that most definitely, @broquaint is not your fault.

Apologies, @RL232030, I accidentally uploaded the version of the cart I used to capture the label 🤦♂️ That will teach me for uploading in a hurry! The latest version of the cart now works as intended and the title fades out.

@broquaint, I can't believe that the rain actually sounds like rain. I wonder if someone will be able to mimic a person's voice, i.e SAM
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