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There were a lot of pico-8 games this time on Ludum Dare. One of them even got the first place on sound!

I thought people here would be interested, so I made a table.
(You can click on the game names, somehow the link styling does not appear inside the markdown table).

Name Author Overall Fun Innovation Theme Graphics Audio Humor Mood
Hyper Harvest @orion-black 12 14 87 259 96 134 - -
Adelie - Water Under the Bridge @Meep 17 6 121 127 12 122 111 51
The Crystallographer @pianoman373 32 68 24 13 18 50 - 32
You're Under Harvest @mastoast 59 27 156 90 106 1 95 98
URSA MAIOR @Zahkros, @bartalomew, @ekaktusz 65 142 183 436 165 172 19 71
Harvest Tataki @caranha 71 57 245 209 68 22 - -
Nesting @hypernoodlejon 87 80 132 226 120 204 166 134
Build a Frank @Elastiskalinjen 154 218 99 238 137 210 63 219
Last Harvest @resevoir 285 239 125 192 264 112 250 274

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