Make sure to read "controls + how to play" before playing!
A turn based roguelike with a cat in it.
There is no wait button.
There isn't any sound as I play pico-8 games muted.
This is my first pico-8 game!
[Arrows Keys] - Move Mio (the cat)
[Shift] - Use item
[Z] - Drop item
[X] - Store item (up to four can be saved for the next floor)
[F] - View blessings
[S] - Increase game speed (Move about faster)
[D] - Decrease game speed (Move about slower)
[E] - Restart
How to Play
Mio is a cat who exists.
Mio is called Mio because she Meows.
She wants to go to work, but isn't sure where her car keys are.
To start, pick up the orb in Mio's house.
In her basement, you will see many question marks, each representing a spooky ghost.
Make sure you know how fast and where each ghost is, as entering a room with a ghost will make that ghost invisible.
Mio will be hurt if she runs into an invisible ghost.
After finding the orb in each floor, the ghosts will reveal themselves, and you will need to return to the start.
The doors you entered will be replaced by ghost doors.
The ghosts attack via bombs, make sure you aren't standing in range of the bombs when they explode.
Defeating ghosts increase how many ghost doors you can enter without taking damage.
This is indicated by ghost doors being dark if you are able to enter them safely.
Collect Treasure!
Collect yarn to buy items, and axes to break through walls.
Items can be obtained from shopkeepers, or found in the basement
There are two types of shopkeepers, one who sells items, and one who exchanges items for blessings.
Blessings are passive effects which can (mostly) help Mio.
You can have up to 6 blessings, and each item gives a different blessing.
If you have the max amount of blessings, you may sell all of them at once for 5 yarn each.
if you need help understanding what each item does, then click the spoiler.
You will have to discover these yourself!
Feel free to share your highscore, I wish you all the best of luck in finding the elusive car key!
Winning / Losing has no effect on your score.
And don't worry, Mio doesn't die, she just has to take a break from searching for that key as she gets tired.
Report any bugs that you find so that I can (hopefully) fix them!
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