Comic 128x384px example using P8scii One-off chars
A vertical comic strip three fullscreens tall
An example for the gfx method and spritesheet-to-p8scii string converter described here:
Please note, in this example the 3 screens are gradually less optimised for this method:
- screen 1 at the top has been cleaned up of most stray pixels and recoloured manually in some parts;
- screen 2 in the middle has a few minimal edits;
- screen 3 raw image, not optimised, a few colours but stray pixels increase the char count.
Hi @Heracleum:
Interesting what you are doing here !
Could you please though make it like a comic reader, so you can use the arrow keys UP and DOWN to scroll and view the comic ?
> where'd the comic come from?
Oops you're right, credits:
(I simply googled for vertical comic strip and this one seemed perfect for the example)
Also in the source I see I forgot a tab full of useless code.
The only necessary lines are (except scr with all the data):
function _draw() cls() ?scr,0,-128+sin(time()/30)*127 end |
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