Can you manage the endboss?
This is a shoot-em-up mini-game.
It is very short. But my boys and I are proud to have programmed our first own computer game.
Update v1.1:
- Collision behaviour of bullets on walls
- Nomalised movement in diagonal directions
Thanks to Ancient Pixel, phil, Aktane and otto_piramuthu for their help and ideas
This is a really good start. There are some lovely features in this cart.
The grapics and effects are good, in particular the blaster effect. The end boss was a challenge and looked great. I thought the statues of you and your kids was the boss at first and spent a while blasting that! Sorry :) I'd love to see this turned into a longer game with lives and multi-levels.
Looking at your code you probably want to change the fire from BTNP to BTN (line 141) and add a delay to slow down the number of bullets that are generated.
Keep going! I look forward to seeing what you do next
Dear Phil,
cool, thank you for your feedback and the helping tips and suggestions. I just released v1.1 with colliding bullets on walls and the updated "BTN"-behaviour. :-)
After couple tries, I could defeat the endboss.
![](/media/68168/Frozen Laser.png)
The game is lacking depth literally but has good graphic to compensate. Nice start for first game.
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