Here's my game made for the ludum dare 51:
It's another simple one button game where the controlled character change every 10 seconds.
Hopefully I'll update this to fix the bugs and the level design and are more features :-)
What a uniquely intriguing and interesting game you have written here, @demicercle !
Took me a-while to understand but once I got it I finally started to progress through the dungeon hitting the switches so my companion could travel onward.
Exceptional work. Gold star.
Thank you dw817 for your feedback. It gives me motivation to continue a bit that short project. I'm actually improving that a bit by cleaning some code and adding feedbacks. See you!
This game definitely needs more love. It's fascinating to flip between the two characters every 10-seconds - seeing them help each other. Once again, great to play, and now 💗 Favorited.
work in progress guz
level 3-4 "vents"
level 2-4 is about spiders...
new update of swapply!
sorry for the double thread...
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