"Gravity Wrangler"
Each world hurtles into the deep, feigning a wandering heart, accelerating their demise. What would they think if they realized that, through the eons, I was the only one standing between them and the frozen abyss...
279 characters
m,o=128,{}for i=1,9 do o[i]={rnd(m),rnd(m),0,0}end::_::for i=1,18 do for j=1,64 do pset(rnd(m),rnd(m),rnd(m)<1 and rnd(3))if(i<10 and j<10)a=o[i]b=o[j]x=a[1]-b[1]y=a[2]-b[2]d=sqrt(x^2+y^2)+.1a[3]-=x/d/999a[4]-=y/d/999 end a[1]+=a[3]a[2]+=a[4]pset(a[1],a[2],i%9+7)end flip()goto _ |
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