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Cart #loan_simulator-1 | 2022-07-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

In keeping with my name, I have created a loan simulator. It's nothing fancy, although, I did add
some bells and whistles.
It can handle $120 owed, $120 paid per month, and, interest rates from 100-200%.


X - Move time forward.
O - Move time backward.
Up - Change menu items.
Down - Bring down menu/Change menu items.
Left - Move time forward/Change menu items.
Right - Move time backward/Change menu items.

Behind the scenes:

Take away everything else and this is just a mathematical function f(x)=(Owed-Paid_per_month)*interest.
X grows or shrinks every loop and the result is drawn to the screen.

Programming notes:

I used the map and the tline function to create the blue background.
The paid info at the top is not bottom accurate, it is calculated by Paid_per_month*X (or time).
The line graph will have spotty changes if you move back and forth due to the difference in pixel size
versus calculation. (1.5 will round to 2 when drawing.)


This is really neat, @loan_wulf, but then BAM, ran into a problem.

Thank you for finding that dw817.
I will release the fix in the update.
For now, just stay away from “Unending loan!”

Oman gonna make me wait, @loan_wulf. You know I love numbers. :)

Alright, I can wait, I finally made some good progress here myself. Just gotta put all the working pieces in now.

Should be fixed now.
For an interesting curve try, owed=111 pay=11 int=11%. :)

The problem arose when I tweaked something right before
publishing. I should know not to do that by now. XD


Yeah ! That got it, @loan_wulf. I like especially that you can track it both forward and backwards. Fun to play with.

I don't see any more problems so, yep, starred and ❤️ favorited !

Thank you @LinkAiris for the kind words!

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