this is my all improved Quest for Coffee! I've added several new rooms and traps plus a huge boss fight at the end!
12 Rooms to explore
Deadly Traps
Huge Boss Fight
Please leave your thoughts!

Okay, played it a little bit, but I'm not too good and made it in about 4 levels. You guys are too talented. The levels look great and plays great.
I love this game. It's going to never get old. Two days in and already so many great user levels. We don't even have the creature editor yet.

I like how you are able to come up with interesting challenges while still maintaining the theme. For some reason it reminds me of the music band "Gong", and Kevin Ayers who wrote 60ish songs about bananas. Or Steve Hillage and his fishes. Or the game "Sanitarium".

Some comments, frustrations.
On the stage with apple hunt I began with 1 heart. This meant I had to watch a 2 minute "cutscene" each time I restarted the room.
Unable to beat that room, I grabbed the right apple and it turns out the apple is the exit. Very shortly after, I ended up on a cliff over lava. I grabbed a kay and a bridge appeared. I walked on it, and it disappeared. Then I become stuck in an infinite loop. Whenever I restart the room, I appear over a pool of lava with no land in sight. The level is impossible to finish.

two things.
You are right about the healt! In version 2.0 I'll have enough health packs so you can start each level with full health! Sorry about not considering it!
- The room with the lava... I don't see any way yet to make things appear and dissapear again. What i wanted to achieve with this room is that you activate the bridge, then step on it and realize its a trap because it dissapears before you can reach the end. My plan was for the player to fall into the lava and then choose one of the doors with little health to make the fight challenging and the choice deadly. Sadly since there is no appearing/disappearing mechanism yet i had to do this with 2 rooms meaning that if you die after "falling off the bridge" which really is going to an identical level without the bridge, you'll have to restart that room and start in the lava. I hope that i can fix this in the future!

Has anyone actually finished it? The last room says "to be continued" anyone make it this far?
Also what did you guys think about the turrets? And the boss? Any advice on improvement?
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