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I've asked this question before, but it was lumped in with other export-related stuff; so I'm breaking this out into a standalone post. macOS and Windows exported binary applications trigger security/virus warnings that scare off potential users of my software. As recommended by Pico-8 docs I am "distribut(ing) the outputted zip files as-is to ensure users on other operating systems can run them."

On Windows:
The executable on first launch triggers Windows Defender on Windows 7 and 10 (reported so far). I tried codesigning the .exe with signtool to no avail. Is there a way to fix this?

On macOS:
Like Windows, the unsigned app triggers a security warning. Has anyone successfully fixed this, perhaps with an Apple developer account and re-codesigning?

I don't mind signing up and paying for Microsoft and Apple developer accounts if it will resolve the problem, but I don't want to pay just to find out it doesn't help. Hoping the community has experience I can leverage before making any financial commitments.


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