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Here's a small game I wrote for the 9th Ludum Dare 48 hour game development compo, which took place a couple of weekends ago. The theme was 'Create the level you play'.

Instead of just tacking a level editor on to the front of the game (see below), I really wanted to make something where the level design was part of the game - for example, that the player's choice of design would influence their score. The idea of this game was going to be that the player designs a golf course (well, just one hole), which is then evaluated by the program and given a difficulty rating. The player's final score would be the rating, divided by the number of shots it takes to complete the level. So getting a high score would require you to design a difficult landscape that you could still complete in a small number of shots.

Of course, there's no way I was going to pull that off in 48 hours (: Also I was kind of busy that weekend so I started 32 hours late. But the result is still fun to play around with.

An undocumented key: press 'r' to restart the level, or to reset the landscape in the editor.

Mac OS X:


Here are some more entries:

DrPetter, rale, sol_hsa, Lerc and tonic's entries are all pretty interesting.

This is awesome. Well done.

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