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Cart #multitorch-0 | 2022-03-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

TO LOAD THIS CART in immediate mode, type: load #multitorch

With the continued interest in torchlit effects, you are familiar with the post I made where you could have one torchlit effect for the center of the screen for the player:


Well this one is a little different and a bit more complex with 32-lamps although the code is explained in great detail for everyone to understand. in that it lets you have as many lights as you want in a 63x63 area map and they animate starting from darkness to brightness and back again.

Unlike other torch effects, this one does not change palette but uses a new set of tiles. So it is entirely possibly to use the code here to have a torchlit effect reveal something that normally was not seen earlier.

During the cart use the arrow keys to navigate and the 🅾️ button to light or unlit a lamp that you are atop. Press ❎ to turn on or off the flickering lights effect. A display of information is kept at the top in addition to showing you how many lamps you have left to light.

If you want to "win the game" turn on all the lamps and you will be notified when you have done so.

This source code is heavily remarked to explain exactly how everything works as I believe this is an important concept to be learned by all Piconians.

Thanks to @Krystman for showing multiple ways of accomplishing torchlit effects.

-- https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=46286

And to @professir showing multitorch could be done in a game setting:


If you have any questions, feel free to ask !


Hi! I couldn't find your comment,but i made my game tweetable.so thx for the hard time you gave me :D
And I like your torcheffect a lot,clever idea!


Hi @taxicomics. You are very welcome. I just think it's interesting when you can write code that not only runs in Pico-8 but can also be posted in TWITTER.

You get that much more traffic - and interest as everyone is curious to know the gem you put together in 280-chars or less.

It is a focus I have had for the past month and am working on carts to work directly with that 280-character limit.

As for my multi-torchlit effect, thanks ! The source-code should be commented enough that coders can understand it easily.

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