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Cart #yehetokepa-6 | 2022-02-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A raycaster engine I used to make a quick pac-man demo, could still use some work but I'm happy with it. Hope you enjoy!



Oy ! The controls, @Cyner. Please make option for LEFT and RIGHT to rotate in that direction instead of glide. A and B could be used for glide for instance - or no glide at all and use A and B for other things, like shooting your weapon.

@dw817, just added! thanks for your feedback, I didn't consider different controls until now haha

Yeah that's a lot better, @Cyner. I got bit from behind. You might do a quick lock of commands and rotate of the player to face the enemy as you are hit so the player knows where it came from and it's not just teeth on the screen.


Nearly crapped myself.
Very good horror experience.

dang that is so cool

Probably the scariest horror game I've played recently, no joke. A ghost passed in front of me and i actually jumped a bit lol.

Game is surprisingly scary, I love it! ;D

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