Untergang in der Feuerdämmerung
An entry in the Lovebyte 2022 https://lovebyte.party/ and the program achieved the fifth place in the Tiny Executable Graaphics Competition.
The task in this competition was to achieve a graphic with a program of a length of at most 256 Bytes. We used a Fractal to generate the scenery mathematically. In the .p8 file, it was also necessary to cut some text in the header to meet the size requirements.
Here is the whole code in its full glory:
g=127for x=0,g do for y=0,g do v=x*3/g-2k=v w=y*4/g-3l=w i=0while v*v+w*w<4and i<g do t=v*v-w*w+k w=l+abs(2*v*w)i+=1v=t end c=(g-i)/g*13if(c*y>c*89)c=1 pset(x,y,c)i%=9pset(i*91%g,i*g%70,7)line(6+c%4,83+c%8,c,91)end end while(1)? |
Only 254 bytes...
You can have a look at the Demozoo page https://demozoo.org/graphics/305297/.
Looks like a fire broke out on the Titanic, @pararaum. Interesting imagery generated from math. For that a gold star.
Well done. What does the last line do:
I wasn't aware the question mark (?) was an operator in Lua or Pico-8's version of Lua.
@UnitVector ?str is shorthand for print(str).
it's basically
While true print()
@SmellyFishstiks thanks! In that case, it's time to go reduce my code by a few tokens to eke in those last few features. :)
Just searched through the manual for this, and found it slipped in near the PRINT section. I wonder why this isn't included in the Shortcuts section...
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