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Hey all! I'm new to Raspberry Pi and Linux so I apologize if this is a simple fix, I couldn't find it anywhere. I downloaded the Raspberry Pi Pico8, unzipped it (doesn't matter where it all has the same error) and when I try to run Pico8 I get:

Failed to execute child process "~/pico-8/pico8" (No such file or directory)

All the other files work in the folder like the manuals and such, but pico8 won't run.

Any help would be great, thanks!

Would love an answer to this also, trying to figure out how to get this running on the DevTerm, but I always get this error.

Couple of other bits of information might help diagnose this:

  • How are you trying to run PICO-8 (command line, clicking an icon, something else)?
  • Does ~/pico-8/pico8 actually exist or does this error occur even though the PICO-8 executable is in the correct location?


Please post the output of these commands:

ls -hla ~/pico-8
file ~/pico-8/pico8
uname -a

If you don’t know what a command means, you should check on a website such as https://tldr.ostera.io/uname before pasting commands given by unknown internet people (or blobs).

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