How does the sin() function work in pico-8?
I've tried experimenting with it, but it doesn't seem to work the way I want it to.
cls() print(sin(90)) -- returns 0 |
I really don't understand, why doesn't it return 1?
There's a section of the manual that describes some of the quirks you're encountering ( but the TL;DR version:
SIN and COS in PICO-8 take values from 0..1 instead of 0..360, so if you're working with degrees, you need to divide by 360 (there may be better ways to do this, but that's how I usually do it).
- SIN is also inverted, so SIN(90/360) actually returns -1 instead of 1.
One of the "quirks" of PICO-8 is: COS() and SIN() take 0..1 instead of 0..PI*2, and SIN() is inverted
I recommend you read the docs about SIN() for an example of how to implement a more familiar COS() and SIN() (if you so choose) and for a better understanding of how those functions work.
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