Hi there, fellow PICO-8 lovers. Today I want to share something I've been working on a little bit here and there throughout the year, and ask for a little feedback.
My endgoal for this text box is to be able to make decisions (2- or 3- options at most) and to add extra features, such as Zelda-like highlighting, chaining to another textbox (for conversation), and a page-break like feature to pace which lines get scrolled in. So far, I have a custom inset and outset animation with sound, per-letter sfx, a throbbing button indicator to advance, and clean removal from the objlist.
It's taken me quite a bit of trial and error to pull this off. If you know of ways to simplify my code while supporting all of the same features, please let me know!
The textbox is implemented in coroutines that run in parallel until certain conditions are met. This allows one to think of the phases of the textbox in terms of a Gannt chart.
This is the first time I've gotten something together that feels almost ready for production, so any tips or feedback are appreciated!
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