This is just a simple test cartridge I made so I can test for screen tearing. It draws vertical lines that scroll around every frame. If the lines are completely straight, there's no screen tearing. If the lines "break" at a certain point, there is screen tearing.
that’s cool! I have bad tearing in firefox, a little bit of tearing at the top using pico8 on debian at 6x resolution, and a bit more in full screen.
@merwok hmm I don't experience tearing in either firefox(win) or pico8. Maybe its the linux implementation/build of some framework, or maybe a hardware issue?
Really tearing depends on a bunch of factors. Whether pico-8 is running fullscreen or windowed, whether you have compositing manager or not, your graphics driver... For me personally, going fullscreen is enough for tearing to go away.
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