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Cart #sandpiles-0 | 2021-05-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Play with sandpiles, mathematical constructs that have simple rules and odd properties.
Use a brush to pour sand on, or go by singular grains. Flatten to any height with the brush or using the menu. Swap out colors with the built-in palette.

❎: to brush
🅾️: to palette
arrows: select options
❎: paint
🅾️: back
arrows: move brush
❎: switch theme
🅾️: to options
arrows: select options

Feedback appreciated!
inspired by Numberphile


I'm guessing you'v watched this considering you'r interested in sand simulation but

actually it was a numberphile video about mathematical sandpiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MtEUErz7Gg. they can end up creating neat fractal shapes. that and i think i had figured out using memcpy() to enable the whole screen to be simulated.

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