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Cart #gofastdeliverthings-0 | 2021-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Go fast deliver things

In a world where delivery is plentiful and the times are good the workers, that is the robots, are thinking that perhaps things could be better. While performing deliveries on time you also have an opportunity to make change in the world, the choice is yours, deliverer.


  • Movement — ⬅️ ➡️
  • Jump / Start / Retry — ❎ / X

Your current deliveries are listed in the top left, you need to visit those house numbers to make each delivery.

Game Jam

This is an entry for the second Eggplant Community Game Jam #2 where the theme is "Good Times with Bad Robots". The source for the cart can be be found in this pico8-carts repo.


This is the second game I've completed and released, I hope you enjoy it!

Huge thanks to Gruber for the beautiful game music which is the "Morning Shower" track from Pico-8 Tunes Vol. 2.

Thanks to Lexaloffle for making PICO-8, it was a real pleasure to work with.

A big thank you to the Eggplant Show community who inspired me to make another game and have given great feedback along the way.

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