Here is my second game on PICO-8: Eleni Foot Bag. Inspired by California Games, a game I played in my childhood on the Sega Master System, and in particular the foot bag mini-game, I'm testing myself on recreating this one, with personalized graphics and sounds.
- ⬅️ and ➡️ to move Eleni,
- ❎ for using the foot and the knee,
- ⬅️ + ❎ for using the right heel,
- ➡️ + ❎ for using the left heel,
- 🅾️ for jumping (for using the head).
Each bodypart that shoots the ball gains:
- 1 point for the foot or for the knee,
- 2 points for the right heel or for the left heel,
- 3 points for the head.
If your combo is a multiple of 10 when you shoot, the points are doubled.
If you shoot the pigeon, you earn 8 points.
I wish you good scores and good game.
the game is fun, and california games is a good inspiration to pull from. it's a little too easy to mash the knee, since it doesn't have any recovery frames.
my score going only for headers:
@mrjorts You're very skilled for playing only with the Eleni's head. I'm not as skilled in my own games. xD
Thanks for your screenshot, and for having fun with Eleni Foot Bag. :)
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