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I had fun making a compilation of statistics on my cartridge library
(line of code, number of sprites, color etc...).

And I surprised myself when I learned that :

**1.15%** of all the cartridges are **Celeste fork**! (^w^ )

Other fun facts such as

The most used colors are :

  • N°0 with 72.06% [#000000] of all sprites (obviously empty pixels fall in that slot)
  • N°7 with 3.52% [#E8F1FF]
  • N°1 with 2.95% [#532B1D]

The most used notes are :

  • N°12 with 5.10% [C3] "Do" rules !
  • N°24 with 4.28% [C4]
  • N°31 with 3.51% [C5]

You can see all computed statistics in the CSV available on My Website. More than 4700 P8.PNG cartridges have been deeply analyzed, not all metrics has been written to the doccument. I plan to add more interesting metrics like "code token" but for now I struggle to compute them correctly.

If you think of any interesting data to extract please let me know

| EDIT 2021-03-29

Solved the PXA decompression issue and now all the cartridges are correctly analyzed.
I Updated the CSV with the lastest cartridges.



Note: Some Lua data are wrong - see column [Lua ERR] in CSV - due to a problem in my PXA decompression algorithm (happen with special characters) /!\ PROBLEME SOLVED


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