Hey everyone! (I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, in that case let me know and I'll change it).
I'm just starting coding on PICO-8 and checking the PICO-8 limitations popped out a question that the specs couldn't answer; Besides the cartridge limitations(that could be defined as ROM limitations of the PICO-8 machine(? ) is there a limitation about how much memory does PICO use when running a cart, i.e. RAM Memory? I mean, suppose that i have a cart that creates a lot of objects/tables, is there a restriction to the amount of objects that the RAM memory of PICO can use, or it can use the same amount memory of the host machine?
Yeah - Lua has 2 MB of memory to work with. I think there's some nuances with how to work with it that were introduced in a recent optimization update, but I don't remember precisely.
not really - some changes around garbage collect, but no change to the 2mb size.
And no @qequ, host memory size doesn’t matter/is not accessible.
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