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Cart #klax-2 | 2022-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a pico-8 port of Klax, mainly based on the Atari Lynx version, featuring:

-100 levels
-5 different backgrounds
-full klax combos and scoring system.

updated to v1.1

-Fixed early game over condition when last free tile would create a klax
Thanks to @dan9er finding
-added additional perspective tile graphics for tiles on external lines
-added brief tutorial before level one,like lynx version
-added one sample of digitized speech... It's all i could fit without
compression but i wanted to test how this new secret functionality

I needed a warm up project after taking some time off since finishing Masters of the Universe and I was thinking how Lynx screen resolution is not that far off from pico-8's and it gave me the idea of trying to port some games.
I played a lot of this on my lynx and it seemed like the easiest one to start with.

I found 2 other klax carts for pico. One by @GiovanH and one by @troske007. I used the last klax2d as a starting point and then I just "stitched" on all the missing features
and change after change the result is a bit of a Frankenstein monster code-wise, and ended up almost reaching the token limit.

I was already planning a future update with cleaner code and just before posting this I saw @carlc27843 's amazing discover of sfx samples so I will try to add a couple of sfx from the lynx version too soon.

Major thanks to @NiVZ for his feedback!

Hope you'll enjoy this.

Klax is a puzzle video game released in arcades in 1990 by Atari Games. It was designed by Dave Akers and Mark Stephen Pierce. The object is to catch colored blocks tumbling down a machine and arrange them in colored rows and patterns to make them disappear. Klax was originally published as a coin-op follow-up to Tetris, about which Atari Games were tangled in a legal dispute at the time.



Great port! I played the Lynx version all the time! The first thing I tried was something I figured wouldn't be in the game, which is the secret warp at stage 5, but it's in there! SWEET!

I enjoyed this on my TurboGrafx-16. Nice work on this. Love how the title screen says "It is 2021 and there is still time for Flax", which is a great homage to the original "It is the nineties and there is time for Klax"

Great job @TheRoboZ! Nice version among all other versions of different systems : https://youtu.be/c4CL2RgBNLg

I found a logic bug:

In my playthough I had the board like this on a diagonal wave:


I got some bad blocks and thought I was about to lose, when two green blocks start comming up, which would allow me to open up my 2 diagonals. So I place the blocks like this:


This gave me a game over, even though I made a klax which would open up my board again.

In psuedocode, this:

If board is full:
    Game over
If there is a klax:
    Clear matching blocks

should be changed to:

If there is a klax:
    Clear matching blocks
If board is full:
    Game over

Thank you @dan9er, I realized I haven't tested this case and your solution is correct. I will update it soon

well done, excellent look (as usual ;).
good luck with pcm/code size and compression...

updated to v1.1

-Fixed early game over condition when last free tile would create a klax
Thanks to @dan9er finding
-added additional perspective tile graphics for tiles on external lines
-added brief tutorial before level one,like lynx version
-added one sample of digitized speech... It's all i could fit without
compression but i wanted to test how this new secret functionality

Very generous to mention my doodle here at all. Very nice work here!


Here's a patch to future-proof the game :-)

Replace the line that says

    print_s(" it is 2021,",0,16,7)


    print_s(" it is " .. stat(80) ..",",0,16,7)

Thanks a lot for the update :)

so fun! another favorite!

Thanks a lot. While this is the least played of my games, I feel it's the most complete and re-playable one, so I am always glad when someone enjoys it!

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