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Is it possible to print things to the console?
Also, how do you reference objects in a script?


If you launch Voxatron from the command line, printh will print to stdout.

Finding an actor in a script:

function _draw()
    set_draw_slice(120, true)
    local p = get_actors(PLAYER)[1]
    if p then
    	x,y,z = p:get_xyz()
 	   print(""..flr(x)..","..flr(y)..","..flr(z), 20, 50, 10)

Wdy mean by launching Voxatron from the command line? I'm sorry for all the questions but I can't really find any good documentation on the game. The API doesn't tell me anything I want to know

Running Voxatron from the command line

  1. Open a terminal window (aka command console)

  2. then...


cd Voxatron.app/Contents/MacOS

Windows (untested)

C:\Program Files (x86)\PICO-8\pico8.exe

I'm running on a Mac and the above will launch Voxatron. Any printh statements in your code will output to the terminal window.

Running vox through the command line will launch the game, but print statements don't show up in the terminal window.
I'm on windows btw

printh, not print.

  • print is for rendering text in a running game.
  • printh is for sending text to stdout.

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