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Cart #gawejotro-6 | 2021-03-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I think the game is in a good place to publish it as a WIP and get some feedback. My code is most likely very naive and inefficient, constructive criticism is welcome.

-Dialogue should not be accidentally skipped anymore
-More lenient hitboxes
-Phase 4
-Postgame dialogue, but transition from game to dialogue is a bit jarring and can be accidentally skipped. I'll make it smoother eventually.
-Changed some patterns, notably phase 1 which was too easy
-Added phase 3
-Swapped shooting and focusing buttons. It's more natural to shoot with X.
-Sound effects are now working as intended.
-Minor stuff was changed around.


Regarding your SFX looping, in the sound editor for SFX 29 at least (that's the first one I saw in the code commented out) the loop start and end indexes are set to 00 and 32, respectively - if you set them both to 00, the sound won't loop.

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