This is our team's first open-source video game project with PICO-8 game engine.
Game is a tribute to the original "Empire Strikes Back" on the Atari 2600 console.
This won't be a direct port of the original, more like a reinterpretation.
Full PICO-8 game project can be downloaded by clicking below URL link:
(above URL link has the most recent stable build and might be newer than the cart shown below)
![](/media/51095/10_empire2600x2 p8_0.gif)
- Enemies now explode!
(This is the last update, moving forward with another game, enjoy!)
Final Game Size: 4523/8192(55.21% Used)
- Source code rearranged to be easier to read.
- Playing game screen now drawn in code.
- Title screen added.
- Screen transitions between title/playing screens(preliminary).
... - Player to world collision detection should be ok now.
- Player explodes on loss of shield.
- Enemies blink red(when hurt) with frequency based on damage.
- Scoring added with high score displayed on title screen(preliminary).
- Enemies now shoot at player(preliminary).
- Player now takes damage(preliminary).
- Enemies are now animated and move(final).
- Game over when enemy reaches right of radar(player base).
- Increased total enemies to 50.
- Enemies are now animated and move(preliminary).
- Perfected radar/scrolling of player and enemies.
- Fixed sky and land parallax scrolling.
- Added text centering option to drawtext function.
- Player ship movement with [Arrow] keys on keyboard.
- Player ship laser shot with [Z] key on keyboard.
- Sky and land parallax scrolling(not perfect).
- Pixel perfect player ship to land collision detection.
... - Operational radar display.
- Preliminary sound effects.
- Non-animated & non-attacking enemies.
(BUG: If travel to left's end & warp to right, enemies not shown?)
... - Text is now outlined.
- Enemy now targets player's ship.
My team has been working on this PICO-8 game for a few weeks.
We are ending dev now and starting another game with another engine.
It's been a joy working with PICO-8 and it's worth the price.
Only complaint is the code IDE - it's a pain to work with:
- The length of each code line is way to short.
(Scroll bars might help)
Everything else is perfect, thanks!
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